Seeing God Through the Science Window

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This book is for ordinary people working to understand life and seek truth. Wondering in search of truth is not lazy doubt. Seeking truth is a moral must. The book provides food for thought, leading readers to discoveries in science and faith. Science increasingly shows how incredible God’s work in Creation is. New discoveries give us a true experience of infinity. From what we learn through science, faith grows.

The book begins with a fresh look at the creation of the Universe, considering Scripture and science. The two are more alike than many think. The reader will discover new wonders about the creation of humanity and what it means to be human in God’s eternal plan. The book explores recent scientific discoveries in a faith context, opening a new window to understanding the magnificence of our existence. Throughout this book, you will read of God’s hand working in the world around us. Jim Krupka demonstrates the wonder of God visible in Einstein’s findings like the connection of mass and energy and the expanse of time and space. We get a new look at mysteries of faith enlightened by science. With an inquiring mind, scientific findings add to our understanding of mysteries like what God is really like or where and
what is Heaven? How does God hear a billion prayers at once? What are miracles? With this look through the science window, you will be inspired to take a new leap of faith.

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