Make Your Marriage Unbreakable

Ten Steps to a Lifetime of Joy in an Unbreakable, Divorce-Proof Marriage.

This book outlines the steps a couple must take to realize the amazing joy of marriage. Here, you will find 10 steps that will help you gain strength and joy from your unique backgrounds and personalities, fully enjoy sex as a married couple, forgive each other when you make a mistake and plan to grow old together from the very start. This book also navigates tough topics, including finances, faith, relatives, sex and family planning. Each step is backed by experience and scientific studies that show how a couple can build a life-long first marriage.

Words from the author about the book.

“In the beginning, woman and man were brought together and given the gift of marriage. Humanity lived in harmony as two became one — naked without shame. That was the Paradise of Eden, and it is a gift that remains for us today. We only need to choose it, cherish it, and nurture it.” It is for this reason that I wrote, “Make Your Marriage Unbreakable: Ten Steps to a Lifetime of Joy in an Unbreakable, Divorce-Proof Marriage.”

This book outlines the steps a couple must take to realize the amazing joy of marriage. Here, they will find 10 steps that will help them gain strength and joy from their unique backgrounds and personalities, fully enjoy sex as a married couple, forgive their partner if they make a mistake and plan to grow old together from the very start. This book also navigates tough topics, including finances and family planning.

“I take great joy in helping someone prepare for marriage. I believe in marriage as the avenue for tremendous joy in life. It is a wonderful gift from God designed to be the platform of society and church. My joy is even greater when I can help someone coming to marry again after divorce,” Krupka says.

Whether it is a first marriage or the chance to form a first lifelong marriage after divorce, the words in “Make Your Marriage Unbreakable: Ten Steps to a Lifetime of Joy in an Unbreakable, Divorce-Proof Marriage” aim to help couples enjoy a deliberate and steady walk toward a joyful covenant marriage that lasts.

A successful marriage is rooted in the vision of God’s love for the human race and a replication of this love through a covenant commitment.

Bishop Jeffrey Walsh, Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan says: “Deacon Jim’s book is a rich treatise on marriage from a strong faith perspective. For decades, Deacon Jim and his wife Frances have been self-proclaimed ‘marriage optimists and advocates with 50 years in the covenant of marriage to prove it.”

“A few chapter headings will give you a flavor of the kind of solid theological roots and practical wisdom shared in the pages of the book: “The Treasure God gave us that lives on from the Garden of Paradise;” Money and Finances: A marriage Maker or Breaker;” and Choosing Natural Family Planning: More than Just because the Church says.” Faith along Michigan’s 45th Parallel, Diocese of Gaylord, Nov/Dec. 2023.